Looking up, sculpture in downtown Seattle at the Space Needle, Washington, USA

Looking up, sculpture in downtown Seattle at the Space Needle, Washington, USA
Looking up, sculpture in downtown Seattle at the Space Needle, Washington, USA
size: 686409
sha1: 1d793cb32f4900bf73d36fcc53a83ef78967ff8c
sha256: e260c3a0d6a0e307d8ae371e95653e0ff1e5555d33c992c6d603fd78ebf81a3e


size: 751286
sha1: 632a4d1b5f64dac13fe6cd81f822039f8d6423d5
sha256: fa4b9405cb164fd11a5f304818886c4ff9928fdbfd1c239230bb639bb7919bb1

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